
Why Marine Collagen with Antioxidants for Active Lifestyles?

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Marine Collagen for an Active Lifestyle


Active Beauty’s 9 in 1 Powerhouse formula boasts one of the most unique superfoods with clinical trials for anti-aging. Astaxanthin is a naturally sourced  Micro alga which is more powerful than other daily antioxidants.  It reduces inflammation, enhances stamina and creates new beautiful skin and healthier, powerful muscles.

This Super Antioxidant and Energizer, Astaxanthin; is a red carotenoid from the richest marine source: Haematococcus Pluvialis Microalgae. A miracle of nature, Astaxanthin emerges to protect animals in the peak of their struggle against harsh environmental conditions, including UV radiation and attacks by free radicals. When the alga experiences harsh conditions, astaxanthin is created and acts like a force field that protects the nuclear DNA and lipids against UV-induced oxidation.

Astaxanthin was uncovered when researchers studied how Salmon source their energy and power. Salmon return to rivers from the sea, swimming back upstream to spawn. They swim against the flow, so they need a great deal of power. While in the sea, salmon accumulate reserves of astaxanthin found in microalgae to serve as a source of energy when they set out on their arduous journey.

New Skin Discoveries for Astaxanthin:

Astaxanthin slows down collagen breakdown and decreases wrinkle formation by preventing reactive oxygen species (ROS) from damaging the top layer of skin and the reduction of inflammation from UVB light. Proven to decrease wrinkle formation, antioxidants are free radical scavengers that sponge up damaged cells which in essence will dramatically improve skin and body cells. Astaxanthin is 6000 times more effective at mopping up free radicals than vitamin C and 550 times more ‘active’ than vitamin E and green tea, as evidenced in clinical studies carried out by Dr Debasis Bagchi at Creighton University in the US. It enhances microcirculation and supports oxygen saturation.

Marine Collagen Skin Benefits:

  • Protects from aging and promotes healthy, luminous skin
  • Inhibits collagen breakdown, inflammatory skin mediators, and free radicals, resulting in potent anti-wrinkle and anti-oxidant effects.
  • Skin Protection - protects the skin from the sun’s damaging UV rays, plus it improves the elasticity of the skin, helping it to stay plump and wrinkle-free.
  • Active Endurance/Recovery Benefits
  • Increased Stamina/Energy and Recovery: clinically proven to support the body’s inflammatory response during strenuous activity
  • Improves lipid burning as a fuel source (reduces fat storage)
  • Natural Anti-inflammatory reduces injuries from overuse as well as pain in the joints (like arthritis), tendons, and muscles.
  • Protects the brain and nervous system from oxidative stress, memory loss, and cancer.

Why Hydration is key to Radiant Skin and Active Lifestyles?

Electrolytes: are also key minerals and essential hydration for Skin and Sweat. Vitamins and minerals fuel people's bodies to work properly. Here are a few powerful reasons to hydrate throughout the day, during activity and before sleep.

  • Hydration- balances intra and extra cellular fluids.
  • Provides essential minerals and electrolytes to prevent dehydration in the skin and improve muscle function.
  • Powers up the cellular level of the skin, increasing volume, and hydration.
  • Prevents muscle cramps by improving calcium/magnesium balance to allow proper contracting and relaxing of the muscles.
  • Magnesium to fight against tiredness and fatigue
  • Increases stamina and energy

How Silica and Marine Collagen Make a difference

A study conducted by the University of São Paulo, Brazil found that silica is necessary for optimal collagen production and the activation of hydroxylating enzymes, improving skin strength and elasticity.

Bamboo Extract possesses the richest amount of Silica of any plant. Essential to your body, Silica provides stronger bones, increased joint flexibility, healthier hair, enhanced skin elasticity, and more durable nails.

A key influence on the absorption of minerals necessary for our body’s overall health, silica naturally boosts the body’s own presence of calcium, magnesium, potassium, iron, and boron, essential for strong bone development, reducing concerns of Osteoporosis.

Silica is a beauty enhancing mineral believed to promote glowing skin, superior nail protection and more rapid hair growth with more strength and shine.

For your skin, silica is vital for the optimal synthesis of collagen and for activating hydroxylation enzymes. Supporting your collagen network will improve your skin strength and elasticity, and it is suggested that strands of hair with higher silicon content tend to have a lower rate of falling out and have greater shine. Your nails are also positively affected by the presence of silica and collagen, and healthy nails will boost your appearance and prevent infections.

With a reputation for its multi-faceted skin and endurance benefits, Specialists are intrigued by Active Beauty as is not like any other collagen out there. Formulated for powering younger, healthier skin and muscles; ideal for the forward thinkers, leaders who want to make a huge step into a better; Beautiful Strong, You.

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